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Kommunikationstraining “Konflikte”


What does introvert actually mean?

Many of our participants describe themselves as introverts and are looking for exactly that type of training, i.e. communication training for introverts. We're not happy with this title, but we think it's the common and striking denominator.

In psychology and communication we distinguish three tendencies:

Shyness: Inhibition in social interaction

Social Anxiety: Intense fear of social moments

Introversion: Interaction exhausted

It is often primarily shyness that gets the term "introversion" attached to it, and it is almost always a mixture of introversion and shyness. In some cases, participants have a mild form of social anxiety. We can work on that in accompanying coaching.

People who see themselves as introverts tend to overlook the fact that the loud, extroverts they sometimes envy also face many communication situations, such as lectures, meetings and live interviews, with fear and suffering, their strategies for action, but that apparently cover.


The process is tailored to you, you, a group and circumstances. We have had the best experience with small training units of around 2.5 hours. With an interval of approx. 14 days between the units, a good transfer of learning is ensured. We also achieve good results with purely digital formats, but prefer the face-to-face format here.


1. Basics of verbal communication and rhetoric

Get to know history, background and the basis of successful communication; understand and practice the importance of the relational aspect of communication; Articulation: language and speech training, practical examples; Understand authenticity and roles.


Turn reluctance into opportunity

Dealing positively with “mild fear”, training self-observation (introspection) and counteracting cognitive distortions on your own; recognize one's own action strategies and those of others in relation to fear and shame, develop presence building; Feeling space, also when walking, standing, arriving, taking breaks, calming down, breathing; To feel beyond your own skin; Don't make yourself small, but big - body tension is transferred to the body.

Use stage fright, improvise, perform

practice exercises; Introducing people and topics, appearing in front of the camera, dealing with technology; Using facial expressions and gestures, giving interviews and taking part in talk shows that can enjoy a nice mixture of excitement and boredom, practicing improvisation and babbling

Understand people, work in a team

Communication models in practice: iceberg model and character models, ego development; transactional analysis; 4-sides of a message, Nonviolent Communication (NVC); I'm OK, you're OK!

Moderating, presenting, negotiating

The first impression is crucial, the last one lasts; create manuscripts; Use the Power of Power Point; Negotiation and argumentation techniques


Rhetor 1.0

Review and apply what you have learned so far; be a professional - natural and authentic, show your charisma; Storytelling is ok, being enthusiastic yourself is better.