Communication – from person to person and from machine to person

Open, honest and simple communication is contemporary.
Interfaces optimized for humans

Successful communication between humans and machines is becoming increasingly important. We develop and optimize interfaces, programs, websites, apps.
Classic means of communication
We develop visual communication appearances and conceive, design and produce classic digital and analogue communication media.


We are committed to XR and support projects with concrete VR and AR applications using Unity and Unreal.
Together with young people we reflect on the self in the well-known and in the new virtual spaces.

We develop communication, product and software design and represent classic modernity and minimalism. Good design is not a question of taste, but results from following rules and laws.
Ten theses for good design by Dieter Rams
- Good design is innovative.
- Good design makes a product useful.
- Good design is aesthetic.
- Good design makes a product understandable.
- Good design is unobtrusive.
- Good design is honest.
- Good design is durable.
- Good design is consistent down to the last detail.
- Good design is environmentally friendly.
- Good design is as little design as possible.

Dieter Rams, 2010
vitsoe at EnglishWikipedia
What is design?
We often get the impression that when many people stumble upon design, their thoughts are mostly about graphic design. "Can the graphic artist quickly add a few colorful pictures?" Design means above all draft or shaping. Everything we design and create has a design, whether we like it or not. We have collected the disciplines and terms that play a role in our everyday work.
Product design (also industrial design)
One of the oldest design directions. The product designer designs for serial production. An important aspect is the consideration of resource-saving manufacturing and there is an incredible change through new manufacturing methods and AI.
Computer Aided Design (CAD) and realtime–rendering
CAD is first and foremost the computer-aided creation and modification of a geometric model. CAD applications work with mathematical parameters to define parametric solids. Parametric solids and surfaces provide a high level of detail. However, we are increasingly using real-time rendering applications (e.g. Unity or Unreal) to view and manipulate 3D models in VR, AR and on the web. These programs work with triangulated polygon surfaces. The exchange between CAD and real-time rendering is very exciting.
Generative Design
In generative design, the algorithm takes on the leading role. Many variants for a design are explored. Parameters are defined (available space, materials, load capacity, manufacturing processes...). New forms emerge that cannot be revealed to the human designer alone. We think this is a great development and we really welcome AI in this field.
interaction design
Interaction design or interaction design (IxD) deals with the design of human-machine interfaces. The term emerged around 1990 when the design of graphical user interfaces (GUI) gained in importance. Today, the term has merged into the sub-disciplines of interface design and user experience design.
UX design (UX = user experience)
The UX designer sees himself as a user understander in the software development process, he wants to give users a good experience. It is therefore very important for success and popularity. The UX designer is all about desire, mood, joy and enthusiasm.
UI design (UI = User Interface)
Interface design deals with the design of user interfaces between man and machine.
communication design
Communication design or graphic design presents thoughts, language and activities visually and makes them visually tangible. The design of print media (magazines, books, posters, brochures) is very classic, i.e. editorial design. If websites, apps, videos are designed, the whole media design is called. Countless specializations exist: typography, illustration, photography, packaging design... In urban space, it is difficult to take a look that does not meet communication design, and for many, communication design is the umbrella term for everything that is not product design.
Corporate Design (CD) and Corporate Identity (CI)
"But that's not our CI!" How often is this sentence said every day? It is used when someone recognizes that the font used is not the company's font, or that a color tone does not match the specification, i.e. when it comes to corporate design issues. The corporate identity actually encompasses more, it is the totality of a company's characteristics that the company controls itself. This also includes how employees answer the phone, whether customers use the first or last name (corporate behavior). The term corporate design is the part of the corporate identity that deals with the appearance, i.e. primarily the design of the means of communication. The aim is usually to achieve a uniform and positive image and high awareness.
The CI faces the actual perception, the corporate image in the population.

Communication design, graphic design, graphics, illustration, art, colorful pictures?

Generative design: Nobody comes up with such forms.
If you clean the monitor more and more frequently when designing a UI so that the last impurities disappear, you are on the right track.
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901) really didn't have it easy and was perhaps the first official communication designer in the world
Design & Creativity
Many of the so-called creative people are not as creative as many think and good design does not necessarily have anything to do with creativity. A lot of designers are downright uncreative. You apply knowledge exactly and precisely, recognize trends and their rules and come to clean, usable results. Great but not creative.
Creativity is the ability to create something that is new or original while being useful or usable. This is not only used in design. There are predispositions that make a person creative and we think it is important and possible to promote everyone's creativity and therefore offer creative workshops and seminars.
Our 5-day workshop "Fruits versus Vegetables in Public Space" is a great success, especially among the boards of DAX-listed companies