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Work agile, endure ambiguity, acquire social psychological knowledge


ambiguity tolerance (from Latin ambiguitas "ambiguity", "double meaning" and tolerare "to endure", "endure"), sometimes also referred to as uncertainty tolerance, is the ability to endure ambiguous situations and contradictory ways of acting.

Both and instead of either or. Anyone who wants to work agile must be able to endure ambiguity and uncertainty. The most well-known agile working method, Scrum, is characterized by contradictions. On the one hand it is immeasurably strict and at the same time unlimitedly free.

Ambiguity tolerance is often referred to as one of the most important "future skills". We agree and add that it is one of the important skills from the repertoire of social psychology. 

Two tenets of social psychology are:

  1. People construct their own reality.
  2. Experience and behavior are influenced by social relationships.

Topics are for example:

  • Self-fulfilling prophecy
  • Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
  • groupthink
  • projection
  • Bargain hunting and shopping frenzy
  • discrimination
  • infidelity
  • procrastination
  • gut decisions
  • individualism and collectivism
  • hubris
  • Fundamental attribution error
  • Rosenthal effect

Knowledge of social psychology is essential for agile work and successful teamwork. 

We offer training on agile working, new work and the consideration of social psychology in the working world.